Swap Shop

Ever wondered what it would be like to purchase items without money? What if you could pay for things with other things? What if the dollar value didn’t mean anything anymore? And you knew the story of the things you were buying? Well that’s what Swap Shop is all about. It’s an experimental shop where you pay for things with things you already own but no longer need.


The Swap Shop addresses how we value the items we have and our need for new ones. The swapping of old items for others reduces our consumption of new goods but also questions our value for the things we currently own and the ones we want or need. Knowing more about the history of a product we are purchasing adds value, products in the Bye Buy! shop will come complete with a history of the former owner. It’s about shopping thoughtfully, and will make you look at the items you own, and the items you want, in a whole new light.






How it works:
To enjoy our Swap Shop, all you need to do is find an item or two that you already own but no longer
want, need or use, and are proud to give away. Bring it along to BYE BUY! where the friendly volunteers at Swap Shop will ask you to fill in a small information card about your item, telling the next owner a little bit about its past. When you are ready to part with your item, you are free to swap it with any item you like already on the shelves at Swap Shop. It’s that easy. We know you’ll get a kick out of it, so why not come back and swap again?


A few things to note:

  • All items & their stories are of the same value at Swap Shop.
  • The best items to swap are those that you once loved but are ready to move on.
  • You can bring anything from clothes, homewares, plants, jewellery, accessories, furniture... but please don't bring food or drink items.
  • Items should be good quality with a long potential lifespan
  • Items should be clean and undamaged (you may like to try repairing any damaged items through the ByeBuy! Repair Deli)
  • Items should be likely to be valued by others – ask yourself: would I be happy to give this item to a friend?

When & Where:
Bring your item along to the BYE BUY! Swap Shop 176 Charles St (next door to Fresh Café) during our advertised opening hours: 10am – 5pm, Saturday 21st - Friday 27th June




Those of you super eager to take part in Swap Shop can drop off your items early, we’ll give you a token for each item you bring so you come back to choose your new item at a later date:
Early drop-offs are available 5pm – 6pm, Monday 16th. Email: reactivatelaunceston@gmail.com to organise and early dropoff.

Opening night:
Planning to come to the opening night? (of course you are!) You can start swapping that night:
5pm Friday 20th June.


Get involved

BYE BUY! is a community project, and we need your support to make it wonderful. As well as coming along to the various events, maybe you are able to offer a story, share a skill, or help in the repair sessions? If you've got something to share, please don't hesitate to contact us!
